
Audience feedback and Final Screening

  • What did you think was particularly successful about our film?
  • What would you change?
  • Who do you think the target audience is? Do you think we are reaching out target audience? Please comment.
  • Where do you think you would find a film like ours? (websites, cinema, TV, etc)
  • What do you about the performance of both actresses?
  • Do you think that the message of despair is brought across clearly?

Above is the version of our short film which we showed at our second screening. This version has the addition of the credits, title, music, voiceovers, effects and is also shorter in length than our original rough cut. We decided not to include our old iFlooky logo (from our AS opening) because we felt it didn't suit the sombre mood of our film; alternatively we used a simple spaced out font to show the seriousness of our short film. The title 'Bringing Back Hope' was created using using the 'Light Rays' video effect which began at 0 at the start and then was increased to create the blurring effect and finally a fade video transition was used to flow into the next scene.
The music for both the beginning and ending of our short film was a choice between Gymnopedie No 1 (which we found was copyrighted by Erik Satie), Feather Waltz and Sovereign. All three pieces of music (found on Incompetech) are on piano which we thought suited our film well-the piano can be used as an emotional device to bring across sorrow. Feather Waltz is a very calming song, which we initially thought could be used for the transitions into the flashback scenes but decided it didn't quite suit. This left us with our final choice of Sovereign which we thought suited our film perfectly.
Below is our final version of our short film Brinng Back Hope


Bringing Back Hope - The Review

Written by Stella Anaman
Contributed to by Priscilla Amankwah and Tosin Oluyadi
Layout by Lorna Dean
Above is the review page for our short film Bringing Back Hope. Created entirely on Adobe InDesign 

In the review we looked at existing reviews in order to emulate the layouts and the language used in film reviews. We knew we had to add shots from within the film that made it all the more interesting but didn't give away too much, and we decided to use our second poster as it displays the theme of despair quite well.


Editing film on final cut

Priscilla and I were editing the film on final cut, and our editing had improved a considerable amount, when a friend asked to look at a bit of it, she commented that the cuts were done quite well and that the continuity editing was done very well as it flowed.

while editing we did a lot more things than we had done last year, such as using a soft focus effect on the flashbacks and changing the hue and saturation to brighten or dimming particular scenes such as the flashbacks, so that they contrasted with the scenes with hope in her bedroom.

Problems that we came across while editing was that it was still way over the 5 minute limit and deciding on what to cut out, even though certain shots were really well done, we had to sift through what exactly was necessary.

This is a screenshot from the film of the sister (priscilla) crying, I decided to put a black and white effect, plus a soft effect to connote the sadness of the sister, and how this was in particular a dark moment for Hope, it is only at this point that the flashbacks are no longer bright, as this was the last time that Hope remembers seeing her.



We found that once all of our filming was finished and we uploaded it into Final Cut Express a lot of the shots were exceptionally dark and it was difficult to see what was going on clearly. We thought we could colour correct these scenes on Adobe After Effects but we in fact we found that this made them very noisy and pixelated . We decided that it would be better to just re-shoot these scenes.

Since the sister reassurance scene was also filmed in the bedroom which didn't have very good lighting we re-shot that scene as well.