
Editing Our Footage and Our First Rough Cut

Now that we have all of the footage we are ready to move onto the editing process. We started editing on Final Cut Express and began selecting sections of each of the scenes to put into our short film.
First of all we edited all of the scenes with Hope sitting in her sister's room together and then slotted in all of the flashback scenes. Each flashback scene starts off with the sister's voiceover from her journal explaining what happened and how she felt at the time.
The flashback scenes include: 
  - The birthday scene - The younger sister is waiting for Hope to meet her on the door step. Hope arrives late and gives her sister a necklace for her birthday. 
  - The teddy bear scene - The sister shouts to Hope that she can't find her teddy bear and Hope replies that she has no idea where it is even though she had hidden it.
  - The fight scene - The two sisters get into a confrontation and Hope slaps the sister causing her to cry.
 - The sister assurance scene - The sister has decided that she needs a break from Hope and so she leaves a diary entry for her and leaves. Unfortunately there is an accident and the sister doesn't make it to come back to her sister and family.

Above is our first rough cut of Bringing Back Hope

This rough cut was shown at our first screening. This version of the film doesn't have credits, title, music  effects the key feature being the voiceovers-all of these elements will be in the final version. 

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