
Moodboard - Despair, Loss and Isolation

Moodboard showing images which represent Despair, Loss and Isolation
 By Lorna

Despair, Loss and Isolation
Despair also known as hopelessness, is the feeling of no hope, that something can't be resolved or is inadequate and far beyond the point of optimism. The pattern of thinking is one of being in trapped misery.
Despair can take someone to a whole new place and level of depression. They don't feel any encouragement to go out or do something. Most people in despair will be in a place where they feel comfortable; for example their bedroom. More often than not people wish to be alone and away from the rest of the world.
The thing that can trigger despair is a trauma in someone’s life or an overwhelming loss of something close to a person.
A dark room is one of the most common signifiers for despair. The room has low key lighting and gives the feel of isolation. A small ray of light breaking through the curtains could signify hope. We are hoping to use this visual image in our short film.

About losing a loved one
Death and grief
*People react both emotionally and physically to death and grief. The feelings we usually associate to loss are sadness, worry, fear, shock, unprepared, confusion, anger and emptiness.
*Some people find they have trouble concentrating, sleeping and eating.
*People lose interest in activities they used to enjoy and often turn to alcohol.
*The intensity of grief may be related to how sudden the loss was and how you felt about the person.
*Acceptance is when a person agrees to experience a situation, to follow a process or condition without attempting to change it.
*The five stages of grief are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

*There is often a Numbness along with the mourning until finally the person lets go and accepts.
Treasuring Memories
*Treasuring the moments you shared with the person, for example remembering the places you went together with the person.
*You can remember a person by keeping items that belonged to them.
Personal Possessions which show the relationship between the two sisters could include:

Necklace - A heart shape to represent the love between the two sisters. Could be a necklace inscribed with their name(s).

Journal - Personal diary entries which could tell the story of the two sisters through one of their eyes. A note inside the journal apologising to the sister about a fight that they had.

Rose - Slowly withering and dying. Connotes the death of one of the sisters. No one lives forever.

Teddy bear - Sesisitive side of the lead character. She hasn't quite matured enough to accept her sister's death.

Camera -  This shows still moments of memories that are precious. It can connote the memory and the mind, by the things contained inside of it.

Good times in the past give you hope

*Past memories encourage the person of the good times they spent with their love one that’s passed away and it gives them the hope to carry on.

*Talking about the person can help accept the death of the person by avoiding the death of the person by not reflecting on them at all.

*Also, when a person loses someone they could consider looking up to the sky. This could represent the person looking towards brighter days despite the loss of a loved one.

1.     Alienation- Tend to close themselves off from everyone, since they fear further pain and rejection.
2.     Forsakenness- Individuals feeling alone in their time of greatest need.
3.     Uninspired- Unmotivated to do anything creative or enjoyable
4.     Powerlessness- One feels incapable of navigating one’s way toward desired goals.
5.     Oppression- The individual feels crushed or emotionally overwhelmed.
6.     Limitedness- Individual feels deficient, and lacks the right stuff to make it in the world.
7.     Doom- they feel as if their life is over.
8.     Captivity- can’t leave something because of the feeling of attachment.
9.     Helplessness- feels as if they can no longer live safely in the world.

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