

(Above) The Wordpress Photo of the Year 2009. This photograph was our initial starting point. We used it to help us think of a suitable theme for our short film. Below is a brainstorm of themes which we have come up with based upon the image. It generated a lot of dark theme ideas such as sorrow, fear, despair, depression and poverty.

Defiance - Our initial theme was going to be defiance. To stand up against authority such as the government or the police force and to have your own say is a very powerful thing and we thought this theme was a good starting point.

Our chosen theme is Despair. Above is a brainstorm with our ideas about despair. From this brainstorm we decided that our chosen genre will be a Drama. 

We had a collection of things which could have gone wrong to the character including an illness, disability, family breakup,loss of family member/friend/partner, addiction and foster parents

We are thinking of creating a short film involving a young girl who loses her best friend and falls into despair but picks herself up in the end and looks to the future. We are going to use close ups of props which are very important to our main character. These include a teddy bear, a necklace, music box and journal. They will help tell the story of the two best friends.

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