
Editing Our Footage and Our First Rough Cut

Now that we have all of the footage we are ready to move onto the editing process. We started editing on Final Cut Express and began selecting sections of each of the scenes to put into our short film.
First of all we edited all of the scenes with Hope sitting in her sister's room together and then slotted in all of the flashback scenes. Each flashback scene starts off with the sister's voiceover from her journal explaining what happened and how she felt at the time.
The flashback scenes include: 
  - The birthday scene - The younger sister is waiting for Hope to meet her on the door step. Hope arrives late and gives her sister a necklace for her birthday. 
  - The teddy bear scene - The sister shouts to Hope that she can't find her teddy bear and Hope replies that she has no idea where it is even though she had hidden it.
  - The fight scene - The two sisters get into a confrontation and Hope slaps the sister causing her to cry.
 - The sister assurance scene - The sister has decided that she needs a break from Hope and so she leaves a diary entry for her and leaves. Unfortunately there is an accident and the sister doesn't make it to come back to her sister and family.

Above is our first rough cut of Bringing Back Hope

This rough cut was shown at our first screening. This version of the film doesn't have credits, title, music  effects the key feature being the voiceovers-all of these elements will be in the final version. 


Choosing our poster design

A brainstorm showing out thoughts and ideas around our short film's poster
by Tosin Oluyadi

by Lorna Dean

We decided on two posters, for the promotion of our film. We picked a design from both Tosin and Lorna. The reason why we picked two poster designs was to have it promoted in different places such as bus stops and adverts for online promotion.

This is our main final poster for Bringing Back Hope. It was all designed on photoshop.
The way we designed the photograph was first, we took a couple of photographs of priscilla holding onto the journal. After that we picked 3 photos that we would definitely would like to use and picked 1 from all of them.

Above is our second final poster. It was compiled together using a small collection of photographs (table, necklace, journal, Hope holding teddy bear and finally the bedroom background) which were imposed together on Photoshop. The use of blue in this poster connotes the sadness and coldness that Hope is feeling. Although the bright purple and yellow is used to show a hint of happy times and underlying hope.

Existing Poster Analysis

'Speak' is an independent film created in 2004 by by Speak Film Inc. directed by Jessica Sharzer and distributed by Showtime Networks (USA). We thought this film related to our short film because it is also a serious teen drama about a young girl who feel she has no one to talk to; much like the younger sister in our short film who passes away. 
The film is about thirteen year old Melinda Sordino who has a traumatic experience during summer break and feels that she can't tell anyone about it. In high school she is shunned for being the 'girl who called the cops' at a senior party where the incident happened; when in fact she was trying to get the senior responsible for abusing her caught.  

Bellow is our chosen poster analysis:


Naming Our Short Film

For our film there were a couple of names that Tosin came up with to suit the film.
  • What We Were....
  • Missing You
  • Bringing Back Hope
  • Once Upon A Time..
We decided to go with the name, Bringing Back Hope, as it rounded up the whole of the film. For bringing back hope, we meant it in the sense of bringing back the feeling of hope, as well as bringing back the character Hope from out of her despair and restoring her back to her former self. The name focuses on the character and reflects on despair in the sense that something has gone missing, which is hope, and the absence of Hope is despair, which is present in the film.

Missing you
We felt that the name missing you, was too bland to use and didn't sum up the film enough, besides the fact that it already hints at the fact that someone is gone, gives the audience too much of a clue into what it is about, whereas, bringing back hope, sums up the whole film and still provides a bit of mystery into the storyline.

What we were....
What we were... is too confusing and felt to sad to use, it made it seem that we were going to make a romance or a coming of age instead of a drama that focused on two sisters and also the resolve. It does heavily get the feeling of despair and was our second choice. The ellipses give the feeling of something incomplete.

Once upon a time....
Once upon a time felt too childish to use, however reflected the childish personality of the younger sister and how the story is told through her diary.